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  4. Felting Fashion, by Lizzie Houghton, 2009, hardcover - Used, excellent condition

Felting Fashion, by Lizzie Houghton, 2009, hardcover - Used, excellent condition

£10.00 £15.00

Although there are several books on felt, this is the first one that concentrates on felt fashions - in the broadest sense - with felt techniques and patterns for construction. From simple corsages through hats and scarves to jackets and full-length coats, this is an essential book for those already working in felt or fashion who want to make more of felted textiles. The author takes you through the techniques of feltmaking but goes on to show you how to embellish and colour the felt - including using velvets and silks and ruching methods - and then construct garments and accessories from it.
It features a range of techniques and patterns for making felted fashion items. It also covers things from felt corsages, scarves and hats to felt jackets and coats. It also features strong use of colour and embellishment - silks and velvet - in the felt.

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